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Is your main focus on the musical quality of the sound in your teaching and performing?

Psychology for my students #26

Is your main focus on the musical quality of the sound in your teaching and performing? 

Every sound we make has overtones, some of which are easy to hear, and others are less detectable. The overtones amplify the sound in line with the initial impetus which caused the sound. So, for example, if a key is struck beautifully, the overtones will amplify the sound in a beautiful way. Or, if the key is struck in a careless, or even harsh, manner, the overtones will amplify the sound in line. Overtones are not always detectable to the ear, but the body senses everything: sound and subtle overtones, and what is sensed through our bodies affects us in our minds and spirits. A beautiful sound has beautiful overtones which can bathe, soothe, inspire, and uplift. There's no need to point out that a careless or harsh sound-with-subtle-overtones creates the opposite effect.

When teaching and performing, it is the beautiful intention from our inner hearing, which continues through into a beautiful physical action, which produces a beautiful sound-with-subtle-overtones, which transports pupils and audiences, soothing, inspiring, uplifting. 

Easy to forget in the day-to-day nitty gritty of teaching and practice.   

tibetan bowl