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"Intuition is like energetic gold..." Heartmath Institute

Psychology for my students #23

"Intuition is like energetic gold..." 

Research from the Heartmath Institute endorses what we intuitively know as instrumental teachers: 

"The heart's magnetic field radiates outside the body, and can affect others." 
-Yes! The way we feel about our pupils affects them. They can be greatly empowered by sensing our unfailing support and belief in their ability to succeed.

"It's easy to access creative solutions when the heads and hearts of one or more people are operating in synergy" (-our society tends just to be head-led, and this is the source of much stress and tension...).
-Again, yes! Although attainment targets and lesson plans (mainly head-led...) have value, the most inspired, inspiring and memorable teaching and learning is often unplanned. It happens spontaneously, as a natural result of teacher and pupil being fully tuned in to the moment and, of course, the music ...

Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling New Year, following your own heart's intuitive intelligence!